Our core competencies

Maintenance of water extraction

Control and maintenance work from the source to the reservoir, including protection zones.

Storage maintenance - Reservoirs

Inspection and maintenance work on reservoirs, building cleaning, plant inspections and cleaning of drinking water tanks.

Maintenance of supply network

Das Wasserverteilnetz wird auf Wasserverluste überprüft, die Absperrschieber betätigt und kontrolliert sowie die Hydranten gewartet.

Quality assurance

Control work and inspection of the measurement, control and regulation technology. Water analyses in the distribution network and control in a suitable laboratory as well as risk analysis for the water supply.

On-call service and troubleshooting

We locate burst pipes, organize the builder and rectify the disruption to your water supply at any time.

Chur's drinking water

Chur's drinking water

IBC's drinking water is obtained from nearby mountain springs and from the groundwater in the Churer Rheintal. Chur's drinking water sources are located in Valbella (Scharmoin), Parpan, Maladers and Mittenberg. On an annual average, 80 percent of the drinking water comes from spring water and 20 percent from groundwater.

Ongoing quality controls

Ongoing quality controls

In order to guarantee the constant and flawless quality of Chur's drinking water, the spring and groundwater is monitored both bacteriologically and chemically. Samples are taken and online monitoring is used for this purpose. The laboratory of the Office for Food Safety and Animal Health of the Canton of Graubünden takes random water samples and checks them with laboratory analyses.

Would you like to know where your drinking water comes from or what the water hardness range is? Under the following link you will find the detailed assessment per pressure zone of the city of Chur. You can also find detailed information on drinking water quality at trinkwasser.ch.

Public fountains

Public fountains

Nowhere else in the world are there as many publicly accessible fountains as in Switzerland. In Chur, drinking water gushes from around 165 different fountains. Even on the Mittenberg, Chur's local mountain, a fountain provides welcome refreshment. The fountains are regularly cleaned and readjusted by our specialists to ensure that the drinking water flows into the fountain trough in the intended quantity.

With the “Churer Brunnengeflüster” (Churer Brunnengeflüster ¦ Chur), Chur Tourism organizes private and public guided tours to several fountains in Chur's old town.

Water Reservior

IBC maintains nine reservoirs with a total capacity of 11 million liters of water. On the one hand, the reservoirs store drinking water and thus balance out the daily fluctuations in consumption. On the other hand, the location of the reservoirs and the corresponding difference in altitude enable a natural network pressure. Thousands of liters of drinking water are transported from the reservoirs to the households in the city of Chur through the finely structured network of pipes.

Saving water - six useful tips

Showering instead of bathing

A full bath requires around 150 liters of water, a shower around 35 liters.

Turn off the tap

Do not leave the tap running while washing up, shaving, brushing your teeth or soaping up.

Optimize water consumption

Only run dishwashers with a full load and use the economy program for light soiling.

Collect rainwater

Water plants with rainwater, ideally at cool temperatures to avoid evaporation.

Water-efficient appliances

Replace old and inefficient appliances with water-saving models.

Avoid water leaks

Approximately six liters of water are lost per day through a dripping tap.

Guided tour drinking water supply

On our guided tours to the Waisenhaus reservoir or the Schützenhaus groundwater pumping station, you will learn exciting and interesting facts about the city of Chur's drinking water supply.

Do you have any questions?Please contact us.

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