Biogas: a natural cycle

Natural gas and biogas are natural gases. Their chemical composition is practically identical, so they can be used in the same way.

Our biogas is obtained from the fermentation of green waste and sewage sludge. Biogas is CO₂-neutral because the CO₂ released during combustion is used again to regrow the plant-based raw materials. This closes a natural cycle.

Our gas tariffs

In addition to our standard product “Biogas 30”, we also offer two variants, each with a different
biogas percentage. Your percentage of biogas you can adjust anytime in the customer portal for the next year. 

Biogas 30 Biogas 30

According to the Federal Department of Economic Affairs and Energy (EAER) Consumption profile type II: single-family house, average annual consumption of 20,000 kWh, heating with hot water, boiler output 12 kW

CHF 239.49 /month

The affordable standard product in IBC's supply area. It contains 30 % renewable and climate-friendly biogas. You reduce your CO₂ emissions by 1,090 kg/year.

Biogas 50 Biogas 50

According to the Federal Department of Economic Affairs and Energy (EAER) Consumption profile type II: single-family house, average annual consumption of 20,000 kWh, heating with hot water, boiler output 12 kW

CHF 256.47 /month

The biogas product for our environmentally conscious customers. With a 50% share of renewable and climate-friendly biogas. You reduce your CO₂ emissions by 1,816 kg/year

Biogas 100 Biogas 100

According to the Federal Department of Economic Affairs and Energy (EAER) Consumption profile type II: single-family house, average annual consumption of 20,000 kWh, heating with hot water, boiler output 12 kW

CHF 298.50 /month

With 100% biogas, you obtain completely renewable and CO₂-neutral energy. In this way, you can almost completely eliminate your CO2 emissions. You reduce your CO2 emissions by 3,632 kg/year

Erdgas Erdgas

According to the Federal Department of Economic Affairs and Energy (EAER) Consumption profile type II: single-family house, average annual consumption of 20,000 kWh, heating with hot water, boiler output 12 kW

CHF 214.43 /month

The low-cost product made from    100 % natural gas. 

You can adjust the gas product supplied to you for the next year at any time directly in the customer portal (login area).

Calculate your energy cost

Do you use gas energy and want to reduce your carbon footprint?
Calculate your energy costs based on our various biogas products.

From the gas to the heating network

From the gas to the heating network

The transformation of Chur's heat supply plays a central role in achieving the "Master Plan Energy Chur 2040". The aim is to replace fossil natural gas and oil heating systems with renewable heating systems. For this reason, in the coming years the IBC is expanding heating networks that use groundwater or wastewater as a heat source. In addition to process heat applications with high temperatures, gas will in future be available in particular to ensure peak performance of the heating networks on very cold days. This reduced gas volume is to be provided entirely in the form of renewable and climate-friendly gas (biogas or hydrogen) by 2040. In the other areas of the city, the gas network will be gradually shut down or dismantled by 2040.

You can check here at any time whether and when your property could be affected by a gas supply shutdown.

Do you have any questions?Please contact us.


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+ 41 81 254 48 00


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