Temporary Water Connection

Client / Purchaser

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Please enter a valid street / number
Please enter a valid ZIP Code
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Billing address

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Please enter a valid first name
Please enter a valid last name
Please enter a valid street / number
Please enter a valid ZIP Code
Please enter a valid phone number
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This field is mandatory

Assembly / Disassembly

The work is carried out by IBC

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This field is mandatory

Water supply from

The work is carried out by IBC

no. including meter and system separator
This field is mandatory

Hydrant key required?


Outlet top 2 x ¾"
Please Give Remarks
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Terms and Conditions

  • A basic fee and water consumption charges will apply for a temporary water connection, based on the order and the current water tariffs.
  • The basic fee includes material rental, installation, dismantling, and administrative expenses.
  • Water consumption is included in the flat-rate billing charges.
  • Any additional special efforts or services will incur extra charges.
  • Damage to or malfunction of meters must be reported to the IBC immediately, otherwise a flat rate will apply. The same applies if the water meter has been temporarily removed by the user without the knowledge of IBC.
  • Attention: During colder months, frost protection must be considered (Instructions will be provided by IBC).
  • Orders must be submitted to IBC at least 5 business days before the required date. An additional fee will be charged for short-notice orders.
  • The customer is liable for any damage to materials and costs resulting from careless, improper, or non-compliant use.
  • The use of personal hydrant keys and hydrants without a backflow prevention device is strictly prohibited.
  • When the temporary connection is no longer needed, IBC must be informed promptly. The disconnection will be completed within one business day.

Tariffs temporary water connection 2025: 

Our current tariffs you can always also find on our  Tariff overview

  Ab HydrantAb Baufass

Installation fee

(incl. dismantling)


Miete (inkl. Zähler)


Special installations + material

CHFon a time and material basison a time and material basis
+Water consumption   

consumption (without sewage treatment fee)

+additional fee   
Express surcharge (1)CHF300.00300.00
Mutation fee (2)CHF100.00100.00

(1): For orders not arriving earlier than 5 days before the planned start date

(2): Adress changes, cost sharing, etc.

The tariffs are exclusive of VAT.


In case of questions please call us on +41 81 254 48 50

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