The use of hydropower on the Plessur and Rabiosa rivers was reorganized in 1981. The new
owner of the Lüen-Sand and Rabiosa-Sand power plants is the Gemeindekorporation Kraftwerk
Chur-Sand (GKC). The municipalities of Lüen, Calfreisen, Castiel, Maladers, Praden, Churwalden
and the city of Chur belonged to it, and IBC manages the operations. Town gas production was
discontinued in 1985 and the production plant on Industriestrasse was converted to a butane-
air mixture with natural gas quality.
In 1989, the city founded Erdgasversorgung Bündner Rheintal AG (EBRAG) together with the
municipality of Chur and the municipality of Igis/Landquart. In 1999, the first drinking water
power plant is put into operation in the St. Hilarien reservoir. This produces 900,000 kWh of
clean, ecological electricity every year. This corresponds to the annual consumption of around
200 households.