Corporate investments of IBC



GKC was founded in 1981. Its main task is to operate the Chur-Sand power plant (Plessur/Rabiosa). Annual production is around 55 GWh. The city of Chur receives around 20% of the energy produced. Partners are the city of Chur and the communities of Arosa, Churwalden, Maladers and Tschiertschen-Praden. IBC is responsible for business and operational management.

Fernwärme Chur

Fernwärme Chur

In December 2009, Fernwärme Chur AG was founded by the Graubünden Cantonal Hospital (KSGR), the Municipal Association for Waste Disposal (GEVAG) and the IBC. The IBC is responsible for the operational management of Fernwärme Chur AG.

District heating as an energy source is generated in the waste incineration plant in Untervaz (GEVAG) and piped to Chur. The district heating system works like a huge central heating system, which supplies entire areas of the city of Chur with thermal energy. This can be used for hot water preparation and heating.



The Domat/Ems AG heat network is a company of IBC Energie Wasser Chur, the municipality of Domat/Ems and Rhiienergie AG. The heat network supplies residents in the Vial/Tuleu industrial area and the population in the Domat/Ems West municipality with environmentally friendly heat energy generated from industrial waste heat.

Preferably, waste heat from industrial processes at Ems Chemie and Axpo Tegra is used and supplied to customers via a pipeline network. Customers can use this environmentally friendly district heating to heat buildings and to prepare domestic hot water.

Energieverbund Maienfeld

Energieverbund Maienfeld

Energieverbund Maienfeld AG is a company of AG Elektrizitätswerk Maienfeld, which is the majority shareholder, and IBC Energie Wasser Chur.
We supply our customers with renewable energy in selected local areas and strive for the highest level of satisfaction among all stakeholders.



Einfache Gesellschaft Sonnenstrom IBC

Together with EGSI we operate 6 solar plants in the city of Chur with a total installed capacity of 801 kWp.

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